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Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Poison DUst

John Pilger: Truth Game

The Road To Guantanamo

"I Witnessed The Degradation And Murder Of Detainees":

Are We Changing Planet Earth

Global Dimming

An Inconvenient Truth

What The Word "Torture" Actually Means

Al Jazeera English Live Broadcast:

Death Squads

'Iraq: Legacy of Hate' : The Lost Generation

Gunning for Iran

Nicaragua - A Nations Right To Survive

Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq

The Ground Truth : The Human Cost Of War

The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror

Don't Go!

Oil, Smoke & Mirrors.

Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers

The Real Friends of Terror

The Doomsday Code

I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror

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Planet of The Arabs:

War is Sell

Dispatches From The Killing Zone


Occupation and Terrorism, with Amira Hass

Deir Yassin Remembered

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They Want Your Soul:

John Pilger: New Rulers of the World

Video Report From Qana Massacre

Pictures From Qana

A Date With Bevin

The Power of Nightmares

In Pictures: Lebanon's 9/11

Chomsky: U.S. Is A Terrorist State

We Can't Make It Here Anymore

Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land

Take Me Home

Chomsky: Distorted Morality: America's War on Terror?

Jonathan Miller's "Brief History of Disbelief"

The Plot To Overthrow FDR

Mind Control : America's Secret War

The Big Buy

Hawaii's Last Queen

The Iron Wall

'Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy'

H a r l a n   C o u n t y   USA

Fog Of War

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia By John Pilger

Cambodia: The Betrayal: A Film By John Pilger

Michael Parenti: Race, Gender and Class Stuggle

Last Letters Home From Soldiers In Iraq

Saddam: America's Best Enemy:

Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear

Iraqi Girl tells of US Attack in Haditha

Mission Accomplished

Dear America - Letters Home from Vietnam

John Kerry's 1971 Speech Against the Vietnam War

Iraq: The Women's Story

Iraq: The Hidden War

Rob Newman's History of Oil

Tragedy in the Holy Land - The Second Uprising

Control Room

With God on Our Side

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Latin American Revolution has begun

Star Wars In Iraq?

Orwell Rolls in His Grave

Not Your Soldier

Chomsky and Fisk Lecture: War, Geopolitics, and History

Caught in the Crossfire: The Untold Story of Falluja

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The Corporation

Sir! No Sir

Howard Zinn - You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train

Dear Mr. President

Paradise Now

Manufacturing Consent

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When your used up, where do you go?

"Falluja April 2004

The Century of Self

Fall Of The WTC

We're Sorry

No Bravery

Children of Abraham - Death in the Desert

Video: 30 Days As A Muslim In America

Video: Why We Fight

War Corporatism: The New Fascism

Video: 911 Eyewitness

Lives In The Balance

Abu Ghraib - The Sequel

Brutal & British:

No Bravery: A nation blind to their disgrace:

Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy"

Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure

Kidnap and Torture American Style

Amused to Death by Roger Waters

9/11 Special

"The War On Terror Is Bogus"

Loose Change - 9/11

Video: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Audio lecture - Robert Fisk; The Great War For Civilization

2 Minute Video: A Nation Rocked to Sleep

Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre

The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism.

Noam Chomsky: Propaganda and War: Iraq and Beyond

Democratic Members of House Judiciary Committee Meeting on Downing St. Memo and Iraq War 

Democracy Hypocrisy

An American We Can All Be Proud Of

The US government has videotapes of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib prison

The Fix is In: Why the Downing Street Memo Matters

Video: “Falluja-The day After”

60,000 Iraqis 'Disappeared' into US Camps

Galloway v The U.S. Senate

Shoot the Messenger

Video: Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq

"I Was Tortured":

The New Pearl Harbor"

Promises and Betrayals

Howard Zinn: The Myth of American Exceptionalism

Iraq Tony And The Truth

Torture: The Dirty Business

The War Party

The War for Oil

Orwell Rolls In His Grave

The Killing of  CIA Director - Iraq Dale Stoffel

How The CIA Looted $40 Billion

Capitalism & Other Kids Stuff

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

A Time to Break Silence

Stop Bolton

None Us Are Free

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Operation Hollywood

The Real Face of The U.S. Occupation Of Iraq

Ellsberg & Zinn Speech

Exit strategy

Stick And Stones


Video: The Human Cost of War 

Homeless vets, from Vietnam to Iraq

Purple Hearts

Video: A Message In English From "Iraqi Resistance" Movement :

Losing Hearts & Minds:

Iraqi Lullaby

Marine Kills Iraqi POW:

Fahrenheit 9/11the Movie

John Pilger: Stealing a Nation

I Didn't Know I Was Unamerican: 

The World According to Bush

The Secret Government

Bush Pre-senile Dementia Video

Dick Cheney - Unauthorized Biography 

Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire

The Panama Deception

Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger: The Making Of A War Criminal:

Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War

Operation Saddam - America's Propaganda War

Elite Propaganda: The Myth of the Liberal Media

Propaganda: My Japan:

Propaganda - Our Enemy: The Japanese

Take No Prisoners

The Incredible Lying BushCo

Deadline Iraq - Uncensored Stories of the War


Skull And Bones

FOX: Israel Spying On U.S

The Bush Family Fortunes

Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and the American Empire:

School Of Assassins

Eisenhower's Warns America

Exposed: The Carlyle Group A Must Watch Documentary


Americas Third World War

"Bring Them On" Picture Album

War In All It's Glory!

Israel's Secret Weapon

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Elite Propaganda

How The Rendon Group Spun the Iraq Propaganda for Chalabi's INC 

POW'S Video

John Pilger: "Palestine is Still the Issue"


Convoy of Death


"The War Song" video

We Don't Want Your War!


Lifting the Fog

conspiracy of silence

President Bush: In an Emergency State Of The Union Speech To Congress. Listen Live

Mr. Bush You Have Soiled Our Flag With The Blood Of Children



David Shayler former M15 spy on  Blair and Iraq


Greg Palast: Has someone been sitting on the FBI?:

 State Dept-CIA allowing terrorists into the US?




















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Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,284,105"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,209

Cost of U.S. War and Occupation of Iraq

For more details, click here.


Key Articles

Bush Regime Declares Itself Above the Law

By Paul Craig Roberts

Isn’t it great to be an American. Our laws don’t apply to us, only to every other nation. This is what it means to be the moral light of the world, the unipower, the salt of the earth.

U.S. Collective Dictatorship Enlarges

By Michael S. Rozeff

Dictatorship is unlimited rule. Collective dictatorship is unlimited rule by an assembly. National government in the U.S. has tended toward collective dictatorship over its entire history.

Analysis: Obama Defense Agenda Resembles Gates'

By Robert Burns

For a Democrat whose opposition to the Iraq war was a campaign centerpiece, President-elect Barack Obama is remarkably in sync with Defense Secretary Robert Gates on many core defense and national security issues — even Iraq.

Obama and the World Crisis

By Richard C. Cook

Even as preparations are underway for Barack Obama to assume office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, the U.S. military juggernaut that is roaring toward global conquest hasn’t missed a beat. This is shown by the team of hawks—including holdover Robert Gates at Defense and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State—that Obama has assembled to handle the levers of the war machine and its diplomatic front.

War Made Easy

Must Watch Video

War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq.


By Cindy Sheehan

If the USA had a national Peace Movement, Obama would not be our President-Elect right now. Dennis Kucinich (D-Oh) would have been the nominee for the Democrats and Ron Paul (R-Tx) would have been nominated from the GOP and Cynthia McKinney (G) and Ralph Nader (I) would have had seats at debates. What we have here in the US is an "anti-war" movement that is selective in its opposition to war.

One Thriving Sector:

The Business Of War

By Robert Weisman

Across the nation, companies are lopping off hundreds of thousands of jobs, retailers are shuttering stores, and automakers are tottering on the edge of bankruptcy. But here in the Merrimack River Valley, and over the state line at several industrial sites around Massachusetts, defense contractor BAE Systems is hoisting "Help Wanted" signs.

Company Crashes Set to Hit Record Next Year

By Richard Milne and Anousha Sakoui in London

Record numbers of companies will go bankrupt next year with 200,000 insolvencies in Europe alone and "an explosion" of failed businesses in the US, according to the world's largest credit insurer.

Memo For Obama

From: Uri Avnery, Israel.

The following humble suggestions are based on my 70 years of experience as an underground fighter, special forces soldier in the 1948 war, editor-in-chief of a newsmagazine, member of the Knesset and founding member of a peace movement:

Indian police arrest police officer in Mumbai investigation: One of the two Indian men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks was a counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said Saturday, demanding his release.

Pakistan forces takes over Lashkar camp: Witnesses: Pakistani security forces took over a camp used by Lashkar-e-Toiba militants in Pakistani Kashmir on Sunday, a witness and an official from a charity linked to Lashkar said

Demonizing Pakistan: McCain warns Pakistan of Indian air strikes: If Pakistan did not act swiftly to arrest the people involved, the Senator said, India would be left with no option but to conduct aerial operations against select targets in Pakistan.

Demonizing Pakistan: Pak on track to being named terrorist state: The United States is dusting off a long-discarded proposal to declare Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. But with the Bush administration now in its final six weeks in office, a decision in this regard is being left to the incoming Obama government

14 killed in Pak clashes: Thirteen militants and a soldier were killed and five others were injured in incidents of violence in the troubled Swat valley in northwestern Pakistan today.

Pakistan attack destroys more than 160 vehicles destined for US-led troops in Afghanistan: Khan said armed men flattened the gate before dawn with a rocket-propelled grenade, fatally shot a guard and set fire to 106 vehicles, including about 70 Humvees.

12 Militants, 5 Soldiers Killed In Afghan Violence: Twelve Taliban militants and five Afghan soldiers were killed in separate violence across the country over the weekend, officials said Sunday.

U.S. Plans a Shift to Focus Troops on Kabul Region: — Most of the additional American troops arriving in Afghanistan early next year will be deployed near the capital, Kabul. It will be the first time that American or coalition forces have been deployed in large numbers on the southern flank of the city, a decision that reflects the rising concerns among military officers, diplomats and government officials about the increasing vulnerability of the capital and the surrounding area.

Mullah Omar calls on Afghans to boycott election: "Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by this dishonest election announcement. In reality, the choice will be made in Washington," he said in an email released on the eve of the Eid-ul-Adha festival in Afghanistan.

US cannot kill its way to victory, says Gates: “The Taliban were dispatched within three months; Saddam’s regime was toppled in three weeks,” Mr Gates writes.

Olmert slams Hebron settler 'pogroms' against Arabs: "As a Jew, I was ashamed at the scenes of Jews opening fire at innocent Arabs in Hebron. There is no other definition than the term 'pogrom' to describe what I have seen," he said at the weekly cabinet meeting.

UN agency warns of food shortage in Gaza due to Israeli blockade: A UN agency in Gaza warned on Sunday that food aid would run out within the coming couple of days due to the ongoing Israeli tight blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for a month.

Israel blocks 'siege-busting' ship: Israeli forces on Sunday morning also seized a truck carrying the humanitarian supplies that were to be transferred onto the ship, Karram said.

Obama spells end of blank cheques for Israel: Israel can no longer expect "blank cheques" from Washington once president-elect Barack Obama's administration takes over in January, a former US ambassador to the Jewish state said on Sunday.

6 Are Killed Amid Violence Across Iraq: In Kirkuk, a suicide bomber attacked a police academy, killing one person and wounding 15, the authorities said. Saman Ghafour, a police captain who witnessed the attack, said that the bomber appeared to be 12 to 16 years old.

Iran shells remote area of northern Iraq: The artillery bombardment was intermittent, said Azad Asso, a district mayor for Jarawa district on the Iranian border, around 195 km (120 miles) northeast of Sulaimaniya. He said the shelling started in the afternoon and continued into the evening.

Obama Warns Iran Over Nuke Policy: US President-elect Barack Obama says he is prepared to offer Iran economic incentives to stop its nuclear programme, but he also warned that sanctions could be toughened if it refuses.

Obama recruits critic of Bush's Iraq strategy: Barack Obama chose a general sacked by the Bush administration for doubting its Iraq war strategy for his cabinet yesterday to appeal to leftwing supporters.

Situation in occupied Somalia Seems About to Get Worse: Somalia’s transitional government looks as if it is about to flatline. The Ethiopians who have been keeping it alive for two years say they are leaving the country, essentially pulling the plug.

16 Killed as Ethiopia stalls on Somalia pullout: The country's foreign ministry made the announcement on Saturday, a day after Somali witnesses said Ethiopian troops killed at least 16 people in the Somali capital.

Sudan confirms troop build-up in oil region: Sudan's government on Sunday confirmed it had moved troops to a volatile energy-rich central region, telling state media it wanted to halt "feverish attempts" to attack the area by Darfur rebels.

US 'riled up by LatAm's awakening': In a meeting on Monday with visiting Bolivian President Evo Morales, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that hegemonic powers would certainly exert pressure on Latin American countries because they were unsatisfied with the trend of developments in the continent.

Anti-police riots rage in Greece: Anti-police riots have been raging in Greece for a second day despite the arrest of two officers over the killing of a 15-year-old boy.

UK: Has your child been CAFed?: How the Government plans to record intimate information on every child in Britain:

Angry laid-off workers occupy factory in Chicago; "Across cultures, religions, union and nonunion, we all say this bailout was a shame," said Richard Berg, president of Teamsters Local 743. "If this bailout should go to anything, it should go to the workers of this country."

Unemployed and hungry in the US: Jobless numbers highest in 15 years, food stamp users hit record 31.6 million or 1 in 10 Americans

Obama plans US infrastructure boost: The plan, if approved, will "save or create" 2.5 million jobs and includes schemes to build roads and bridges and make public buildings more energy-efficient, Obama said in his weekly radio address on Saturday.

States' highway projects wish list has $64B tag: More than 5,000 highway projects are ready to go, state transportation officials say, if Congress will only pony up $64.3 billion as part of an economic aid plan.

First Georgia Community Bank Closed, Boosting 2008 Toll to 23: First Georgia Community Bank of Jackson, with four offices southeast of Atlanta, was closed by regulators, becoming the 23rd U.S. bank failure this year amid losses tied to record mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures.

Foreclosures soar 76% to record 1.35 million: Foreclosure rate hits nearly 3% in the third quarter, while another 7% of borrowers fell behind on their mortgages.

"We Let The Crooks Take Over"

The plot to shift taxes from wealthy and on the wage earners.

Guns and Butter Interview with Dr. Michael Hudson

The United States Has become a pariah in the world financial economy.

Whenever I'm in Tajikistan, My Mobile Phone Says I'm in Dubai

By Robert Fisk

Just look how we've forgotten the CIA's secret prisons. In Afghanistan, a Fisk source who has never – ever – been wrong, tells me that there are at least 20 of these torture centres still active in the country, six in Zabol province alone. But we don't care about Afghans.

Drawing the Future From the Past

By Channapha Khamvongsa

For nearly three decades, the U.S. secret war in Laos and the impact of the most massive bombing campaign in the world was nearly forgotten. For those who remembered, the events seemed surreal. They witnessed the reckless destruction of a people and their land, and careful efforts by the U.S. government to conceal it.

The History Of The Spanish American War

And The Rise Of US Imperialism
By Michael Parenti - Audio

Michael Parenti uses the history of the Spanish American War to answer several very intriguing questions.

Empire Vs. Democracy

Video (2005)

Internationally renowned Political Scientist Michael Parenti to the UW Oshkosh campus, Parentis discussion focused on the topic: Empire Vs Democracy.

The Functions of Fascism

Michael Parenti - Audio

Many of the measures enacted by fascists were frighteningly similar to those enacted today: They include the privatization of state owned enterprises, reduction of corporate taxes and inheritance taxes, defeat of unions, and the suspension of civil liberties.

"Contrary Notions"

Video - Michael Parenti

Scholar and Political Ideological Surgeon, Michael Parenti, lays the truth down on the intentionality of today's ruling elite and its harmful consequences. Discussion on Michael's latest book, "Contrary Notions".

The Radicalization Of An American Prisoner

By George Peter Jr.

My "radicalization" has been incubated and nurtured by this cesspool you call a penal system, and every day your brutality adds yet another name on the rolls. At what point will you sit up and take note?

14 Killed In Pakistan: At least one soldier and 13 Taliban militants were killed on Saturday in clashes between security forces and Islamic militants in Pakistan's north-western Swat valley, a military spokesman claimed.

US attack kills six in northwest Pakistan: A suspected US pilotless aircraft Friday targeted a militant hideout in Pakistan's restive tribal region along the border with Afghanistan, killing six people, Pakistani intelligence official said.

Death toll from Pakistan car bombing rises to 29: The death toll from an overnight car bombing rose to 29 in northwest Pakistan, unnerving a region already dangerously on edge following the attacks on India’s commercial capital, police and doctors said Saturday.

Unnamed Sources Demonizing Pakistan: Ex-U.S. Official Cites Pakistani Training for India Attackers : A former Defense Department official said Wednesday that American intelligence agencies had determined that former officers from Pakistan’s Army and its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency helped train the Mumbai attackers.

Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’: The US Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice, is reported to have told Pakistan that there is ‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks and that it needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response.

Indian terror suspects linked to Mumbai plot: One of them, Faheem Ahmed Ansari, was carrying a fake Pakistani passport and a list and maps of nine targets in southern Mumbai, including the Taj Mahal hotel and other sites attacked last week, the officer said.

Muslims condemn terror, say India's their motherland: Indian Muslims are feeling that their patriotism is being questioned again following the Mumbai terror attacks by Pakistan-trained terrorists.

Seven including three Canadian soldiers killed in Afghan attacks: Three Canadian soldiers with the NATO-led security forces in Afghanistan and four Taliban militants were killed in the country's south, while Afghan authorities were investigating the deaths of eight prisoners in country's largest prison, officials said Saturday.

Two civilians killed in southern Afghanistan: It was not immediately clear how the civilians were hurt, but local media said the casualties were the result of a foreign military air strike.

Eight killed, five wounded in attacks around Iraq - Summary: Eight people were killed and five wounded on Saturday in separate attacks in the Baquba, Kirkuk and Babel regions.

'US in charge of Iraqi shores' security': Iraq 'has signed an agreement' to put the US in charge of the security of its shores along the Persian Gulf without parliament's approval.

Referendum seen as way to "correct" U.S.: Iraq pact: A referendum next year on a newly minted U.S.-Iraqi security pact will give Iraqis the chance to "correct and reform" an agreement that has stirred controversy, a senior official in Baghdad said on Saturday.

Bush: America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon: "For the safety of our people and the peace of the world, America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," Bush said at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.

Head of nuclear watchdog calls efforts against Iran 'a failure': Mohamed ElBaradei urges dialogue between the West and Tehran. He says Obama has given him 'lots of hope.'

'US condescension not to solve Iran issue': "To continue to pound the table and say, 'I am not going to talk to you,' and act in a sort of a very condescending way -- that exaggerates problems," the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief added.

13 dead as insurgents seize Somalia town: The hardline Islamist insurgent group al Shabaab has taken control of a central Somali trading town after fighting that killed at least 13 people and wounded dozens of others, residents said on Saturday.

Jewish "settlers" shoot Palestinians: The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has released graphic footage of a shooting incident that took place after yesterday's forced evictions

Video: PA police: Settlers set fire to Palestinian home in Hebron: Jewish settlers torched a rooftop enclosure of a Palestinian man's home in the West Bank city of Hebron on Saturday, a Palestinian police spokesman said.

UN condemns Israeli settler clashes: The UN Security Council has condemned a rampage by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in Hebron, which came after they were evicted from a disputed building in the West Bank city.

IDF soldier assaults Haaretz photographer in Hebron: An Israeli photographer on assignment for Haaretz was assaulted by an Israel Defense Forces soldier in Hebron on Saturday. The photographer, Tess Scheflan, suffered light head injuries and was taken by an ambulance to hospital.

Gaza banks on brink of collapse: World Bank: The World Bank urged Israel on Saturday to allow cash into the Gaza Strip to pay the wages of civil servants, warning that the liquidity crisis could bring down the besieged territory's banking system.

Pentagon expanding number of foreigners recruited: The Defense Department already draws from aliens living in the United States on green cards and seeking permanent residency. But under a trial program, it will now look to also recruit from pools of foreigners who've been living in the states on student and work visas, with refugee or political asylum status and other temporary visas.

US auto aid plan wins support: The amount is far less than the $34bn in loans requested this week by General Motors, Ford Motor, and Chrysler, but it would keep them going into next year.

Investment banks set to cut 30,000 jobs: Up to 20,000 jobs look set to be lost as a result of the imminent merger of Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, as a further 10,000 job losses were announced across the investment banking fraternity.

One in 10 American on food stamps: With 3.2 million more Americans unemployed than 12 months ago, the need for food assistance has risen. Last month saw the evaporation of 533,000 jobs, the biggest one-month loss since 1974.

Record 10% of U.S. homeowners in arrears or foreclosure: A record 10% of the nation's mortgage-burdened homeowners fell behind on their loan payments or were in foreclosure during the third quarter, according to a survey released Friday by the Mortgage Bankers Assn., which said California and Florida were the biggest contributors to the worsening picture.

Retail Sales Are Weakest in 35 Years: The nation’s retailers turned in the worst sales figures in at least a generation on Thursday, starting the holiday shopping season with double-digit declines across a broad spectrum of stores.

December 05, 2008

Afghanistan: Another Untold Story  

By Michael Parenti

The war against Afghanistan, a battered impoverished country, continues to be portrayed in US official circles as a gallant crusade against terrorism. If it ever was that, it also has been a means to other things: destroying a leftist revolutionary social order, gaining profitable control of one of the last vast untapped reserves of the earth’s dwindling fossil fuel supply, and planting US bases and US military power into still another region of the world.

Washington Arrogance has Fomented a Muslim Revolution

By Paul Craig Roberts

Is Pakistan responsible for the Mumbai attack in India? No. Is India’s repression of its Muslim minority responsible? No. Is the United States government responsible? Yes.

The Mumbai Attacks

More Than Meets the Eye

By Jeremy R. Hammond

As details emerge about who was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last week, the evidence points to a militant group and network of associates that can be linked to a number of intelligence agencies, including the ISI, the CIA, and MI6.

Iraq's US Security Charade
By Ramzy Baroud

It's also bewildering how some important details are so conveniently overlooked; for example, the fact that the Iraqi government can sign a separate agreement with the US to extend the deadline for withdrawal should the security situation deem such an agreement necessary.

Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted


“I said that I would remove our combat troops from Iraq in 16 months, with the understanding that it might be necessary — likely to be necessary — to maintain a residual force to provide potential training, logistical support, to protect our civilians in Iraq,” Mr. Obama said this week as he introduced his national security team.

I'm Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq

By Matthew Alexander

What I saw in Iraq still rattles me -- both because it betrays our traditions and because it just doesn't work.

The Last US Enemy Combatant
The Shocking Story of Ali al-Marri

By Andy Worthington

In brighter times, before a fog of fear descended on the United States, and the discourse of decent men and women was coarsened by an acceptance of the use of torture as a “no-brainer,” it would have been inconceivable that an American could have been held for seven years without charge or trial on the US mainland, in a state of solitary confinement so debilitating that he is said to be suffering from “severe damage to his mental and emotional well-being.

Neo-cons Still Preparing for Iran Attack

By Robert Dreyfuss

What, exactly, does president-elect Barack Obama's mild-mannered choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, former senator Tom Daschle, have to do with neo-conservatives who want to bomb Iran?

Hebron "settlers" take their fight into Israel

Far-right plans march into Arab town

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth

Extremist settler groups currently involved in violent confrontations with Palestinians in the centre of Hebron have chosen their next battleground, this time outside the West Bank.

Harper's Coup; Power grab in Ottawa

By Mike Whitney

The Prime Minister has been a staunch supporter of George Bush and the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many of his critics accuse him of being a neoconservative allied to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderburger Group. He is alleged to be a proponent of plans for a North American Union, which is an elitist scheme to end US sovereignty by merging the three countries-- Canada, the US, and Mexico--into one superstate.

Stefan Molyneux On The Illusion Of Freedom

Video - 05/12/08

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Dead Babies Can Take Care of Themselves

By David Glenn Cox

Your Food and Drug administration with a budget of two billion dollars would certainly never tolerate the intentional adding of toxic industrial chemicals for the purpose of fooling quality control tests in infant formula would they?

20 Killed as bomb rips through Peshawar market: At least 20 people have been killed and dozens more injured by a bomb placed near a Shia mosque in Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.

Six killed in Pakistan suicide bombing: - A suicide car bomb killed at least six people Friday at a police checkpoint in northern Pakistan, an intelligence agency official said.

Suspected U.S. drone fires missile in NW Pakistan: "It hit a house and there are some casualties but we don't know how many," an intelligence official in the region told Reuters by telephone.

30 militants killed in Mohmand Agency: The security forces backed by gunship helicopters Wednesday killed at least 30 militatns and injured several others in a successful air strikes at troubled Tehsil Lakaro in Mohmand Agency.

India names Pakistani masterminds of Mumbai terrorist attacks: "A terrorist of this sort is never co-operative. We have to extract information," said Deven Bharti, the head of the Mumbai crime branch.

India uses 'truth serum' on Mumbai gunman: The method was widely used by Western intelligence agencies during the Cold War, before it emerged that the drugs used – typically the barbiturate sodium pentothal – may induce hallucinations, delusions and psychotic manifestations.

FBI assisting Mumbai terror probe; US has jurisdiction: The FBI is assisting Indian investigative agencies in collecting evidence in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, the US attorney general has said as he insisted that his country has the jurisdiction to prosecute the terrorist captured during the deadly strikes.

War pimp alert: Former Pakistan army officials trained Mumbai attackers: NYT: "A former Defense Department official said on Wednesday that American intelligence agencies had determined that former officers from Pakistan's Army and its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency helped train the Mumbai attackers," The New York Times said in its news report from Washington.

India names Pakistani masterminds, date plot to 07:A Pakistani militant group apparently used an Indian operative as far back as 2007 to scout targets for the elaborate plot against India's financial capital, authorities said Thursday, a blow to Indian officials who have blamed the deadly attacks entirely on Pakistani extremists.

India reserves right to strike Pakistan in response to Mumbai attack: Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee has declined to rule out the use of military force against Pakistan in response to the terrorist attack on Mumbai.

Details emerge on CIA terror plot warnings: Indian intelligence sources have confirmed to The Hindu that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) delivered two warnings of an impending terror attack on Mumbai in September. The first one was delivered through the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) on September 18. The sources said the information was of a general nature, suggesting that the Lashkar-e-Taiba was planning to attack Mumbai.

Pakistan refuses to hand over terror suspects to India: Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari refused to extradite 20 suspects identified in India's list of wanted criminals, saying they would be tried in Pakistan if New Delhi provided hard evidence, media reports said Wednesday.

Report: US in bid to declare former Pakistani spies terrorists: The US authorities are seeking to have four former officers of Pakistan's premier spy agency, including its former chief, declared as international terrorists, a media report claimed on Thursday.

Pakistan mulls downing U.S. drones: Pakistani officials are urging the incoming Obama administration to stop air attacks on Pakistani territory and even are hinting that they might shoot down U.S. drones that have hit al Qaeda militants and civilian bystanders.

Afghan jail operation kills 8 prisoners in Kabul: Eight prisoners were killed and 15 others were wounded after Afghan security forces clashed with inmates during a search operation in an Afghan prison near Kabul, an official said.

3 Canadian occupation force soldiers killed in Afghanistan: The soldiers were killed at 9 a.m. local time Friday when their armoured vehicle was struck with an improvised explosive device in the Arghandab District of Kandahar province

Two Danes And Brit Killed In Afghanistan: Two Danish occupation force soldiers serving with NATO's force in Afghanistan were killed Thursday in the southern part of the country, the Danish military said in a statement.

Double suicide attacks kills five in Afghanistan: official: Two suicide attacks against a counter narcotics office and the intelligence agency Thursday killed at least five people and wounded ten others in eastern Afghanistan, an official said.

U.S. military preparing for troop buildup in Afghanistan: - The U.S. military is beginning a big building effort in Afghanistan to house the roughly 20,000 additional troops who are expected to begin pouring in early next year, a top officer said Friday.

16 killed as 'Ethiopian occupation troops shell' Mogadishu: At least 16 people have been killed and dozens injured from suspected shelling by Ethiopian troops in the north of Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, witnesses say.

Suicide blasts kill 20 in Iraq: At least 20 people, including women and kids were killed in two suicide car bombings targeting police in Fallujah on Thursday, a defence ministry official said.

U.S. 4 insurgents killed, 32 detained in Iraq: The U.S. military says four suspected insurgents have been killed and 32 detained in operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq. The largest raid occurred in the disputed northern city of Kirkuk.

Two U.S. occupation force soldiers killed in Iraq suicide attack: The U.S. military says two American soldiers have been killed in a suicide attack in Mosul.

Iraqi army finds 80 bodies in four mass graves: The bodies were found over the last three days, and may have been buried there about a year ago, the security source said.

Iranian militants killed 16 kidnapped police: Iranian state radio says police are confirming that a militant group active in Iran has killed all 16 police officers it abducted in June.

Israel 'prepared to attack' Iran nuclear plants: Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the US, it has been reported.

Bush says Iran's nuclear plan still a threat: - U.S. President George W. Bush said Friday that Iran's nuclear plan is still a threat to the world, and the United States will not allow Iran to have a nuclearweapon.

Gaza reduced to bare survival: The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip is having ever more serious consequences on its population. In the past month the supply of humanitarian aid and basic necessities to Gaza has been reduced from a trickle to an intermittent drip.

Russia calls on Israel to lift blockade: American officials sided with the Israelis at an emergency Security Council session where the protests of Libya, one of 10 rotating members of the Security Council, fell on deaf ears. The Russians used more explicit language in calling for an end to the blockade than they have at past gatherings.

Arab states slam Israel's human rights record at UN forum: Western countries, including Australia, Britain, Canada, France and Germany, urged Israel to lift its blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip which they said had led to a worsening humanitarian situation.

Israel 'has faith in team Obama': "Obama is surrounding himself with people who we know - from Hillary Clinton, to Rahm Emanuel, to James Jones. There is no reason to panic," the Israeli official told the Jerusalem Post.

Short of cash, banks shut down in Gaza: Bank branches across the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip shut their doors on Thursday, saying they did not have enough bank notes in their vaults to operate normally because of an Israeli-led blockade.

Jewish settlers in Hebron shoot Palestinian men: The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has released graphic video footage showing settlers fighting with Palestinians in Hebron and shooting two men at close range in the hours after a settler house was evacuated by police yesterday.

Standing up to Jewish terrorism: For a long time now, settlers in Hebron and other areas of Judea and Samaria (and East Jerusalem) have engaged in unruly behavior whose only goal is to violently threaten the Palestinians while undermining Israel's sovereignty.

Berlusconi plans to use G8 presidency to 'regulate the internet': Italian president and media baron Silvio Berlusconi said today that he would use his country's imminent presidency of the G8 group to push for an international agreement to "regulate the internet".

Bank of England mulls "nuclear option" of cash injection: The Bank of England is working on radical plans to inject cash directly into the economy - the nuclear option to be used only when interest rates approach zero.

World stability hangs by a thread as economies continue to unravel: The political bubble is bursting. Spreads on geo-strategic risk are now widening as dramatically as the spreads on financial risk at the onset of the credit crunch.

China Urges U.S. to Counter Crisis, Prepares for ‘Worst Case’: “We hope that the U.S. can take all necessary measures to stabilize its financial markets and economy as soon as possible and ensure the safety of China’s assets and investments in the U.S.,” Wang said. “To work together to tackle the financial crisis is the most pressing task that we are facing.”

Some bailout holdings down $9 billion: Stock intended to eventually earn taxpayers a profit as part of the Bush administration's massive bank bailout has lost a third of its value — about $9 billion — in barely one month, according to an Associated Press analysis. Shares in virtually every bank that received federal money have remained below the prices the government negotiated.

Job Losses: 533,000 in November: Recession winds are blowing with gale force as U.S. employers shed 533,000 jobs in November, pushing the unemployment rate to 6.7%.

AT&T to cut 12,000 jobs, 4 percent of staff: These layoffs come on top of 4,600 jobs the company said in April it would eliminate.

Record number of Americans using food stamps: report: More than 31.5 million Americans used the program -- up 17 percent from a year ago, according to government data.

Headlines Continued


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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Non-Green Companies Warned on Earnings

WASHINGTON, Dec 3 ( - Companies producing many food, beverage, and household items must implement sustainable environmental strategies or risk income losses of 19 to 47 percent over the next 10 years, says a report released Tuesday by an environmental think tank.

  • Go green or lose green, say environmental experts. © Charlie Ambler (Flickr)Go green or lose green, say environmental experts. © Charlie Ambler (Flickr)The analysis, performed by the World Resources Institute and management concultancy A.T. Kearney, finds that "environmental pressures will continue to impact the supply and price of key commodities in the long term. The [current financial] crisis should be viewed as an opportunity to address these challenges through transformational change and not as a time to ignore them."

  • Last month, as the Group of 20 major economic powers prepared to meet to discuss the global financial meltdown, environmental experts from the Worldwatch Institute urged leaders to focus on a "Global Green Deal that capitalizes on the current economic crisis to build economically and environmentally sustainable economies." In particular, Gary Gardner and Michael Renner said that transitioning to a renewable energy economy will not only phase out limited, environmentally hazardous power sources like oil and coal, but will also usher in 2 million new jobs around the world. "Doing more with less," they noted, "is one of the surest paths to wealth creation, and environmentalists have a great many ideas to raise energy and materials efficiency."

  • And green business practices do not only benefit companies and the environment, but also, in many cases, local people. In November, for example, the world's first shipments of sustainable palm oil left Malaysia for Europe as part of a global effort to avert ecological disaster and support millions of poor palm oil producers. Palm oil is found in roughly half of all packed grocery items in supermarkets. The establishment of palm oil planatations, however, not only causes severe environmental harm -- particularly through mass deforestation -- but it often forces small farmers and indigenous communities off their traditional land and can lead to serious abuse of workers' rights, including harsh working conditions, unfair pay, and exposure to toxic pesticides. reports on the alternatives.

Consumer Goods Companies Face Major Earning Hit Without Smart Environmental Sourcing

From: World Resources Institute

CHICAGO and WASHINGTON, DC, December 2, 2008 -

Companies in certain consumer goods sectors that do not implement sustainable environmental strategies could face a potential reduction of 13 percent to 31 percent in earnings by 2013 and 19 percent to 47 percent in earnings in 2018.

These findings are the result of a “future scenario” analysis released today by the World Resources Institute and A.T. Kearney, Inc. It is titled Rattling Supply Chains: The Effect of Environmental Trends on Input Costs to the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry, and is the first report of its kind to calculate the financial impact of environmental issues facing this industry.

The analysis provides consumer packaged goods executives with a tool to assess how environmental legislation and climate change could impact their businesses in future years. It also outlines how these executives can begin to develop strategies to address these issues.

Although the current financial crisis has resulted in declining commodity prices, the authors find that environmental pressures will continue to impact the supply and price of key commodities in the long term. The crisis should be viewed as an opportunity to address these challenges through transformational change and not as a time to ignore them.

“The Ecoflation scenario is a vision of a future where companies have to deal with environmental costs previously borne by society,” said Andrew Aulisi, director of WRI’s Markets and Enterprise Program. “Environmental concerns are driving a global trend of policy activism and regulation. Our scenario describes this trend and the most pressing environmental challenges, and finds that the earnings of consumer goods companies are exposed to significant risk rising out of their supply chains.”

For their research, WRI and A.T. Kearney based the “ecoflation” scenario on major environmental trends and policy developments, such as U.S. and international climate change regulations, enhanced forest policies, growing water scarcity, and new biofuel policies. They then analyzed how these drivers might affect prices on selected commodities like oil, natural gas, electricity, cereals and grains, soy, sugar, palm oil, and timber. The results offer tangible illustrations of how environmental costs might impact the value chain, especially for fast-moving consumer goods that are usually produced in large quantities, such as food and beverages or household products.

Cereal prices, for example, are shown to have upward pressure from climate change policy and growing water scarcity, but may be reduced if certain biofuel policy changes reduce ethanol demand. The report finds a 6 to 13 percent increase in cereal commodity prices due to these pressures.

“The results highlight the need for strategic scenario-based planning,” according to Daniel Mahler, A.T. Kearney partner. “Winning companies will anticipate this changing landscape. These companies will collaborate with suppliers and other stakeholders, and make environmental sustainability a key business principal.”

Rattling the Supply Chain outlines a four-step process to develop a robust strategy around a company’s sustainability challenge and opportunities:

1. Understand environmental impacts and dependencies by examining how cost drivers are exposed to emerging environmental trends and, when possible, seek substitutes with lower environmental impacts.
2. Take inventory of current sustainability initiatives through the value chain to see what the company, its suppliers, and its partners are addressing.
3. Prioritize environmental issues and opportunities according to their current and future potential impact on costs, revenues, and reputation.
4. Chart a new course by having a cross-functional team systematically evaluate opportunities to reduce cost exposure to critical input commodities. This evaluation should include product re-design, backwards supply chain integration, local versus global sourcing, and an upgrade of sustainability standards for the supply base.


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